It is so important that women are able to make informed decisions about their health.
If you are a woman age 35-65 who is coping with or just curious about menopause or peri-menopause, Dr. Diana Schwarzbein is here to help!
Menopause Power gives you the facts so you can decide what’s best for you.
If You Want To...
Feel like yourself again
Have more control over your health
Advocate for yourself with your doctor
Empower yourself
...You're in the Right Place!
Free for you!
Start receiving Menopause Minutes, brief 3 to 5 minute recordings of insights from Dr. Schwarzbein about managing your menopause. They’re free. Just provide your name and primary email address in the box on the right. When you do, in addition, you’ll receive Dr. Schwarzbein’s The 10 Things You Must Know About Menopause. You will be empowered right from the beginning with great information, absolutely free!
Subscribe to Menopause Minutes!
Join thousands of women receiving Menopause Minutes absolutely free!
Also receive “The 10 Things You Must Know About Menopause”.
Relax, You're in good hands
Diana Schwarzbein, MD is an endocrinolgist – a medical doctor who specializes in hormone problems. She’s made it part of her life’s work to study menopause and to find the right way to effectively and safely treat the hormone system imbalances menopause inevitably causes.
Over the past 23 years, using bioidentical hormones, she has treated thousands of women like you, to restore their hormone balance, prevent disease, slow their aging process, lose weight, and look and feel better. Now, through Menopause Power, she can help you, too.
While she can’t be your personal doctor, she can help you by sharing with you and your doctor what she knows about menopause and how to treat it safely and effectively. This is what Menopause Power is all about – educating women and their physicians. Get Menopause Power today and take charge of your health!
Get the Menopause Power Program Today!
The Course
Presented in a non-technical, easy to understand manner. Dr. Schwarzbein gives you the foundation to fully understand how menopause affects your health, why treating it correctly is so important, and guidelines to do so.
The Notebook
A PDF of all of the slides in the Course so you can take organized notes as you listen.
The Take Charge Guide
The Guide gives you over 100 pages of information to help you get started with Hormone Balancing Therapy (HBTx) – what to do, what not do, and how to do it. Dr. Schwarzbein tells you exactly how she treats her patients’ menopause with bioidentical hormones – the right lab tests, starting dosages, and important guidelines.
Personal HBTx Journal
An adjunct to the Guide, the Journal lets you track key data like test results, symptoms and conditions, starting dosages, menstrual cycle, and how you are feeling during the entire first year on HBTx.
Dear Colleague Letter
Dr. Schwarzbein’s letter to doctors explaining her views on menopause and offering them a complimentary copy of her paper, Hormone Balancing Therapy (HBTx) – Why & How, a technical, step-by-step guide to administering bioidentical hormones using the protocol she developed from over 20 years experience treating thousands of women.
What People Are Saying About Menopause Power
“My doctor and I have both been waiting for the Guide and your HBTx paper for physicians. What took you so long? She’s been open to managing menopause the way you teach it, but needed more information. Now we’re working together as a team. Thank you so much!”
– Brenda D.
“Dr. Schwarzbein is brilliant, engaging and above all, generous. Listening to her is like watching a photographic image develop – what was once foggy and indistinct becomes clear and well defined. It’s amazing what happens when people hear the truth.”
– Angela V.
“WOW! Knowledge is power and now I have more knowledge, so Menopause Power was exactly the right name for this program. I got much more out of this than I expected and now I have lots of questions to ask about what I am currently doing and if it is really the best thing for me.”
– Sharon S.