Why You Need to be Informed and Take Action
I wish things were different. I really do.
I wish that every woman had access to a doctor who understands the implications of the loss of estradiol and progesterone, and who knows how to restore and rebalance hormones effectively and safely. I really wish this were so. But it isn’t. Which is why I created Menopause Power. The hard truth is, unless you are informed, and unless you are willing to advocate for yourself, you will not receive the treatment you need. You will not be able to rebalance your hormone systems and your metabolism, and you will suffer the health consequences.
Most doctors are not trained to view and treat menopause correctly.
Getting doctors’ attention, getting them to see the big picture, and to think beyond the directions from their professional societies and the drug companies is an uphill battle. One that I have taken on. But, it will take years. Years! So, what do we do today? The best strategy is to educate and empower women to advocate for themselves.
I don’t promise you that it will be easy.
I’ve been at this for some years now and I know the frustration of bringing about this critically important change in the management of women’s health. Perhaps you have already experienced the frustration of getting your own doctor on board or finding one who is. In some respects, I could hardly blame you for saying, “The heck with it!” or “I’m busy, I’ll deal with this tomorrow.” I am pleased to report that we are making progress. There are increasing numbers of success stories. You could be the next success story.
After all, this is your health we’re talking about!
It’s time to band together and raise our voices. If advocating for our health isn’t worth doing, I don’t know what is. For your sake and for your daughters and their daughters, become educated and empowered. My Menopause Power Course and Take Charge Guide give you everything you need to get started. It’s time!
To your health and happiness,
Diana Schwarzbein, MD